Popular Data

The Australian Data Archive holds over 6000 datasets from more than 1500 projects and studies from 1838 through until the present day. This section presents some of our most popular datasets, organised by theme.

Longitudinal Studies…

Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children (LSIC)

The Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children (LSIC) follows the development of around 1,700 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their families across urban, regional and remote Australia. The study provides a data resource that can be drawn on by...

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Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health (ALSWH)

The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health - widely known as Women's Health Australia - is a longitudinal population-based survey, which examines the health of over 40,000 Australian women over a 20 year period. First funded in 1995, the project was designed...

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Social Attitudes Surveys…

Australian Survey of Social Attitudes (AuSSA)

The Australian Survey of Social Attitudes (AuSSA) is a biennial series that studies social attitudes and behaviour of Australian citizens for the Australian and international research community. AuSSA provides cross-sectional data on the social attitudes and behaviour...

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National Social Science Survey

The National Social Science Surveys are a series of major multi-purpose survey conducted by researchers at the Australian National University from 1984 to 2001, measuring a wide range of variables of interest in the social sciences, particularly sociology, political...

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World Values Survey (WVS)

The World Values Survey (WVS) explores values and beliefs, cultural stability or change over time and the impact of values on social and political development in different societies around the world. It was established in 1981 and it has become one of the most...

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Health Studies…

National Drug Strategy Household Survey

The National Drug Strategy Household Survey series examines current awareness of attitudes and behaviours toward drugs and drug problems within the Australian community, focussing on respondents personal attitudes toward drugs, knowledge of drugs and drug histories....

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Australian National Infant Feeding Survey

The 2010 Australian National Infant Feeding Survey, conducted in 2010-11 by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, is the first specialised large-scale national survey of infant feeding practices, related attitudes, and behaviours conducted in Australia. It...

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Elections and Politics Studies…

Australian Election Study

The Australian Election Study is the leading study of political attitudes and behaviour in Australia. The study has surveyed voters for 35 years, since 1987, providing an unparalleled source of evidence on voter attitudes towards politics in Australia. The AES...

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Public Opinion Polls…

ANU Polls (2008 – Present)

The ANU Polls is a series of polls conducted three times a year by The Australian National University. The purpose of the series is to assess Australians' opinions on important and topical issues, with an emphasis on international comparisons. Some questions appear in...

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Lowy Institute Poll (2005 – Present)

The annual Lowy Institute Poll is a series of surveys on Australian public opinion and international policy and is a leading tracking survey on Australian foreign policy, providing a reliable vehicle for understanding Australian attitudes towards a wide range of...

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