Mar 8, 2018 | Major Studies, Social Attitudes Surveys
Australian Survey of Social Attitudes (AuSSA) The Australian Survey of Social Attitudes (AuSSA) is a biennial series that studies social attitudes and behaviour of Australian citizens for the Australian and international research community. AuSSA provides...
Mar 8, 2018 | Major Studies, Social Attitudes Surveys
National Social Science Survey The National Social Science Surveys are a series of major multi-purpose survey conducted by researchers at the Australian National University from 1984 to 2001, measuring a wide range of variables of interest in the social sciences,...
Mar 8, 2018 | Major Studies, Social Attitudes Surveys, Uncategorised
World Values Survey (WVS) The World Values Survey (WVS) explores values and beliefs, cultural stability or change over time and the impact of values on social and political development in different societies around the world. It was established in 1981 and it has...