Dataset Link: Click Here
Version: 2.0
Update Date: 12 December 2019
DOI: 10.26193/HBYHL2
The Australian Candidate Study surveys are conducted in parallel with the AES surveys of voters, and have been conducted at each federal election since 1987, with the exception of the 1998 election. All but the 1987 study have been funded by the Australian Research Council. For the first time, candidates from all parties and independents were invited to take part, rather than just those from major political parties (i.e. ALP, Liberal, National, and Greens). Sample selections were limited to those with electronic contact details (email) available via the AEC candidates list. Many of the questions in the 2019 Candidate Survey have also been asked of Voters, allowing aggregate comparisons to be made between the views of Candidates and Voters. Other sections cover the candidate’s political background, the election campaign, experience of the candidate for political office and their personal background.
User Notice: Some variables in the public release have been restricted or confidentialised to protect the privacy of respondents. To access these restricted variables, along with the 2019 election result data for each candidate please contact the ADA.