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Version: 3.0

Update Date: 29 July 2022

DOI: 10.26193/KGVX4L

This is the fourth wave of a study designed to monitor and explain change in people’s levels of subjective well-being and ill-being. The measures of well-being used relate to life satisfaction, happiness, self-fulfillment and positive affect. The measures of ill-being used relate to negative affect, somatic complaints and anxiety. Correlates of well-being and ill-being in the survey include the personality traits of extroversion, neuroticism, personal competence and optimism. Also included are social network measures (Henderson et al. 1981), social background measures, and measures of satisfaction with particular aspects of life. Time budget data was also collected. This wave of the panel study includes a life events inventory and measures of coping strategies. Background variables include age, country of birth, marital status, income, education, occupation, number of people 18 years and over living in household, sex, breadwinner’s usual occupation, religion and regularity of attendance, and eligibility to vote at federal elections.