Dataset Link: Click Here
Version: 2.0
Update Date: 18 February 2020
DOI: 10.26193/MLX1CV
This study is the second in the National Social Science Survey (NSSS) series and repeats many of the questions asked in the first survey conducted in 1984 (SSDA Study No. 423, NSSS First Round 1984). The survey also includes questions asked as part of the International Social Survey Programme. Comparative data from all countries in the Programme are processed and distributed by the Zentralarchiv fur Empirische Sozialforschung (ZA) at the University of Cologne (ZA Study 1490, Role of Government 1985). The data file contains a wide range of attitudinal questions. Sections cover religion and moral issues, attitudes to government policies, including feeling thermometer ratings of political leaders, groups and institutions, opinions on taxes and benefits, voting, trade unions, attitudes to work, supervision, decision making at work, satisfaction with job, attitudes to working women, general questions on life satisfaction, and courtship and marriage. The international component focuses on issues relating to the role of government. These issues include government actions, privacy, responsibility of government to reduce income inequality, job opportunities for different groups in society, discipline for children and the role of the state, income tax and inflation, responsiveness of governments to public opinion and the power of the individual, and areas of government spending. Background variables include the respondent’s occupation, education, and qualifications, income and standard of living, membership of trade unions, birthplace, and ancestry. Questions on birthplace, education and political orientation and occupation were also asked about the respondent’s spouse or partner, and information was recorded on the birthplace, occupation and education of parents, grandparents and children.