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Pubilication Date: 2 November 2021

DOI: 10.26193/YOARTT

The Lowy Institute Poll, now in its sixteenth year, captures the mood of the Australian public at a remarkable moment. At the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, the 2020 Lowy Institute Poll records unprecedented shifts in public opinion. The 2020 poll reports the results of a nationally representative online and telephone survey conducted between 16 and 29 March 2020 by the Social Research Centre with a sample size of 2448 Australian adults.

The survey was conducted by the Social Research Centre (SRC), using the Life in Australia™ panel – currently the only probability-based online panel in Australia. Members of the panel were randomly recruited via their landline or mobile telephone (rather than being self-selected volunteers) and agreed to provide their contact details to take part in surveys on a regular basis. SRC uses a mixed-mode approach for the panel, including online surveys (93 per cent of respondents) and computer-assisted telephone interviewing (7 per cent of respondents) to provide coverage of the offline population (households without internet access).