Dataset Link: Click Here
Version: 5.0
Update Date: 12 October 2020
DOI: 10.4225/87/O4AIPZ
In 1998 a nationally representative sample of about 14,000 Year 9 students was selected to form the second cohort of the LSAY program (LSAY Y98). Reading and numeracy tests were administered to students to provide information on student achievement. Students also completed a background questionnaire about their educational and vocational plans and attitudes to school. In 1999, these students provided information in response to a mailed questionnaire. Information was also obtained from their schools about curricula and school organisation. In 2000, members of the sample were contacted in the first of the annual telephone interviews. The questionnaire included questions on school, transitions from school, post-school education and training, work, job history, job search activity, health, living arrangements, finance and general attitudes. Subsequent surveys asked similar questions but with the emphasis changing from school to post-school education, training and work, depending on the young person’s circumstances. The final wave of interviewing (wave 12) took place in 2009 when respondents were, on average, 25 years of age.