Journeys Home: A Longitudinal Study of Factors Affecting Housing Stability was a national survey of Australians who were either homeless or at high risk of becoming homeless. Data collection commenced in September 2011 with a further five waves of data collected approximately six months apart. Journeys Home was funded by the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA), and run by the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research at The University of Melbourne. Roy Morgan Research (RMR) was sub-contracted to undertake the fieldwork. It was designed as a tool for enabling research that would improve understanding of the pathways into and out of homelessness in Australia and the consequences of homelessness for long-term outcomes.

Three different data releases will be available, depending on your research requirements and location. These releases are General, Restricted, and International. In the General and International releases some variables (such as location, industry and debt) are confidentialised. The International release also limits some income related variables.