About the ADA
About the ADA…
The Australian Data Archive (ADA) is a Core Trust Seal certified repository, based in the ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods (CSRM) at the Australian National University (ANU). ADA was established at the ANU in 1981 with a brief to provide a national service for the collection and preservation of digital data relating to social, political and economic affairs and to make these data available for further analysis.
The ADA:
- is a Core Trust Seal certified repository
- acquires, documents, preserves and disseminates data online to a broad range of social science researchers in the university, government and other sectors
- provides the only comprehensive social science data collection in Australia, with a catalogue of over 5000 data sets
- holds data from Australian surveys, opinion polls and censuses and includes data from other countries within the Asia Pacific region
- is continually expanding and diversifying its collection
- provides specialist services within specific subject areas, including Indigenous studies, electoral behaviour, criminology and some humanities disciplines, and within specific data types, including quantitative, qualitative, time series and panel data, and historical statistics
- locates and manages access to overseas social science data sets required by Australian based researchers
- adopts, develops and applies standards in line with international best practice (such as DDI and OAIS model)
- belongs to international organisations (such as the International Federation of Data Organizations and the International Association of Social Science Information Service and Technology) and plays a major role in cross-national collaborative projects
- plays an important role on behalf of the Australian Research Council (ARC) through the management and dissemination of ARC funded data collections arising from Discovery and Linkage grants
A team of professional data archivists, advised by a panel of leading social scientists, provides both stewardship and outreach services to the Australian community.
The National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) provides the online data services and supporting infrastructure, and develops this cyberinfrastructure for the needs of the ADA.
The ADA Team…

Ryan Perry
Ryan’s Bio

Marian Esler
Research Fellow
Marian’s Bio

Tina Gregor
Data Archivist
Tina’s Bio

Weifan Jiang
Data Archivist

Yolante Jones
Senior Data Access Management Officer
Yolante’s Bio

Janet McDougall
Archive Manager
Janet’s Bio

Marina McGale
Technical Manager
Marina’s Bio
Contact Us...
+61 2 6125 2200
Australian Data Archive
The Australian National University (ANU)
Rm 3.40 Lvl 3 RSSS Building
146 Ellery Crescent
Canberra ACT 2601 Australia